Everyone has trepidation when driving near and around semi-trucks, especially on highways and interstates. When we are in smaller cars, these large tractor-trailers can be very intimidating and downright scary. These types of vehicles do not necessarily work the same way as cars, and most drivers on the road find themselves unsure of how they should interact with these large vehicles in order to ensure safety.
The main thing to remember when driving near a semi-truck is that they do not have the same blind spots as you do. In fact, their blind spots are much larger, meaning there is a greater amount of roadway that they cannot see within their mirrors. It is up to the other drivers to make sure they are not spending a lot of time in the truck’s blind spots. Usually, these spots are in the adjacent lanes to the truck, alongside the trailer. As a basic rule of thumb, if you cannot see the truck driver’s face in the mirror, they likely cannot see you. By avoiding driving in these spots, drivers are able to prevent accidents.
Another thing to keep in mind when driving near semi-trucks is that the people operating these vehicles may have already been driving for a very long period of time. They may be tired, drowsy, and concentrated on things other than driving. Ideally, everyone on the road would be completely alert at all times, but unfortunately this is not always the case. This is why it is important, as a driver, that you pay attention to the actions of the semi-trucks around you. Are they drifting? Does it seem as if the truck driver may not be paying attention to the road? This may be because he or she is drowsy. In this case, avoid being near the truck as much as possible and—if provided—contact the driver’s employer.
If you have been in an accident with a semi-truck, you have many options. You likely deserve some sort of financial compensation. Call a semi-truck accident attorney at Finney Law Office, LLC today to get started. In the meantime, continue to explore our motor vehicle accident guide.
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