Some types of motor vehicle accidents occur much more frequently than others. By understanding these types of accidents, drivers can be more aware about the common dangers that lie ahead of them when getting into the driver’s seat. There are plenty of types of accidents that should be avoided, but by knowing which types you are most likely to be involved in, you can take preventative action.
Rear End Collisions
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) states that this type of collision accounts for 29 percent of all accidents. Rear end collisions occur when a driver makes contact with the car directly in front of it. Severity of these types of collisions range from small fender-benders to very serious—and sometimes fatal—accidents. While this type of accident is very common, it is also very often preventable. The majority of rear end collisions occur because the driver in the back is following too closely to the vehicle in front, not leaving enough time to stop quickly.
When there is a significant amount of water on the road, hyrdroplaning becomes a concern. There are ways to avoid this phenomenon, but for most drivers, they realize the standing water too late. However, there are some decisions that you can make to better prepare for such an event. If it is raining, has rained recently, or there is otherwise standing water on the roads, lower your speed overall and drive with both hands on the wheel at all times.
Side-Impact Crashes
These types of collisions occur when one vehicle strikes the side of another vehicle at a somewhat perpendicular angle. Most of these collisions occur surrounding intersections. Accidents like these are very often referred to as “T-Bone” crashes. To try and avoid these types of accidents, make sure that you are always following the rules of the road. Always look both ways before entering an intersection, even if you have the right of way. Other drivers are unpredictable, so always assume that they are not going to act in a safe manner.
These three types of accidents only account for a small amount of all types of crashes, but they are some of the most common. By understanding how to prevent rear end collisions, hydroplaning, and side-impact crashes, you can enter the roadway feeling more confident, comfortable, and safe. However, if you do find yourself in the unfortunate situation in which someone else has hit you or otherwise caused you harm on the road, you deserve financial compensation for your medical bills, time off of work, and pain and suffering. Call Finney Law Office, LLC today to get started. In the meantime, feel free to explore our Motor Vehicle Accident Guide.
Motor Vehicle Accident Guide
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