The insurance company keeps asking me for all my personal information, should I give it to them? Immediately after an accident, insurance companies will be on you within hours; maybe 24 hours, maybe 2 hours, maybe 12 hours, but there will be an adjuster calling you who’s going to want to get a statement from you that’s recorded, your social security number, your birthdate, your address, and they’re going to want to get a release for your medical records. They want to look at everything because they’re going to go through it and pick through it, and try and figure out what they can tie to the case and what they can totally not tie to the case.
So when an insurance adjuster calls you or a claims adjuster calls you and says, “Hey, I’m really trying to help you figure this out. I’m going to be working with you, I am going to send over some forms, can you sign them?” You should immediately call an attorney. You don’t know what you’re signing. These are medical releases that may in some cases, give insurance adjusters access to your records from the day you were born up to the present day. You need to call an attorney. Seek professional advice. This will be in your best interest. Don’t give a statement without speaking to an attorney. Don’t give your social security number without speaking to an attorney.
If an adjuster calls you, the only answer you can give them is, “I’m speaking to an attorney, here is their name, you may contact them,” or you can say, “I’m investigating talking to an attorney, I don’t want to give any statements” and hang up the phone. That’s the quickest, easiest way to deal with the issues. Call us. We’ll help you through the whole situation.