A person considering legal action after an injury caused by medical malpractice may need to access their medical records for evidence. This is a common part of a medical malpractice claim as these records can be used to show that an injury was clearly linked to the defendant’s actions. However, there are some instances where a physician may refuse a patient their own records and even the records of their children.
If you’ve been injured because of a medical professional’s mistakes, you may be entitled to pursue compensation from the responsible individual. For more information regarding your options after an injury, contact the St. Louis injury attorney of the Finney Law Office today by calling 314-646-0300.
Restricting the Release of Medical Records
Under certain privacy laws, a person may not be able to get their medical records from their doctor. While these situations are rare, they may apply to some people looking for records as evidence. Doctors can refuse to release the following information as they may be exceptions to normal records release policies:
- A patient’s psychotherapy treatment notes
- Records that could endanger that patient if released
- Records being used in another legal action
- A child’s records if the parents agreed to a confidential relationship between their child and the child’s doctor
- A child’s records if their medical care was court-mandated
In these situations, a person may want to consult with a legal advisor to determine their next course of action.
Contact Us
If your injuries were caused by medical malpractice, there may be legal options available to take action against that person. To discuss your medical malpractice lawsuit options in more detail, contact a St. Louis injury lawyer of the Finney Law Office at 314-646-0300 today.