It is easy to assume that elevators and escalators have been properly maintained and are safe for use by members of the public. Unfortunately, some of the businesses and large buildings where these devices are located fail to take the proper safety procedures to keep their visitors safe. Every year, individuals are injured and even killed due to elevator and escalator accidents.
If you or your loved one has been injured in an elevator or escalator accident, it is important to understand your options for seeking justice. The St. Louis elevator and escalator accident attorneys of the Finney Law Office can help. Contact us today at 314-646-0300 for a free consultation.
Elevator and Escalator Accident Injuries
There are several common forms of injury in elevator and escalator accidents caused by the negligence of others. These include the following:
- Elevator accidents
- Tendon and nerve lacerations
- Brain damage due to a lack of oxygen
- Spinal damage
- Escalator accidents
- Foot and leg injuries
- Slip and falls
- Broken bones
The financial and emotional toll of one of these accidents can be significant. By taking legal action against the negligent party, you may be eligible to receive compensation for medical bills, loss of work wages, and more.
Contact Us
Irresponsible property owners should be punished for their carelessness. If you or a loved one has suffered harm in an elevator or escalator accident, you may be eligible to receive compensation. Contact an experienced St. Louis elevator and escalator accident attorney at the Finney Law Office today at 314-646-0300 to learn more about your legal rights.