Personal injury comes in many different forms. Although many people think of personal injury as strictly motor vehicle accident or slip and fall cases, these are only a few very general terms to describe some specific injuries. If you have obtained a concussion in some way, shape, or form due to the negligence of another individual, this is not something to be looked over. Concussions should not be taken lightly.
A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury (TBI), but it is not as severe as some other types of TBIs, such as gun shot wounds. However, concussions are often overlooked. They are unfortunately not a rare occurrence, so many people brush them off like they would with a scrape or a bruise. Many people have the idea that to treat a concussion, all you need to do is rest. However, some concussions are worse than others, and many times they do not immediately show signs of being a serious problem. Every concussion should be seen and treated by a qualified doctor, to ensure that it is not the beginning of an even bigger problem.
Some signs that you may have suffered a concussion include prolonged headache, repeated vomiting, anxiety, and recklessness. However, many people who have suffered a concussion do not see these, or sometimes any, signs. If you have hit your head very hard, it is important to get medical attention, just in case you have any sort of brain damage. The smallest of brain injuries can turn into bigger problems and can even result in death. Seeking medical attention is impetrative.
Unfortunately, however, this medical attention can be expensive. If your injury turns out to be more than just a bump on the head, treatment and medications can mean even higher medical bills and, in some cases, time off work. If this concussion has occurred due to the negligence of another individual, you should not have to pay these medical bills on your own. You should not have to feel the financial repercussions of having to take time off of work in order to properly heal.
If you have suffered a concussion due to the negligence of another person, whether that be in a motor vehicle accident, slip and fall, or some other sort of accident, you should not have to suffer both physically and financially on your own. At Finney Law Office, LLC, we want to help you through this difficult and confusing time. Medical treatment should not be avoided just because you are not sure that you can afford it. Call us today to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney.