Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that typically occurs in the outer lining of the lungs and internal chest wall (pleura). More often than not, it is the result of inhaled asbestos dust or fibers. This inhalation typically takes place during the course of work, but there are also instances in which family members have contracted this disease after secondhand contact with dust or fibers on a worker’s clothes. Whatever the case, victims may have the right to pursue compensation with the help of an experienced lawyer.
Who Was Responsible For The Asbestos Exposure?
While the dangers of asbestos are well-known today, they have not always been. In the past, asbestos could be found in many workplaces throughout Missouri and Illinois, including industrial settings and construction sites. It still lingers in some, but has mostly been eliminated. Unfortunately, those who worked with insulation and other products containing asbestos may only now be discovering the impact that it has had on their health.
The nature of mesothelioma is such that it may not be diagnosed for decades after the initial asbestos exposure. Investigation is critical not only to determine who was responsible for that exposure, but to locate the current form of that entity. The St. Louis asbestos and mesothelioma attorneys at the Finney Law Office bring decades of experience to these claims. We know how to properly investigate and target mesothelioma lawsuits.
Free Consultation | Missouri Personal Injury Lawyers
Call 314-646-0300 to schedule a free consultation with a lawyer experienced in handling asbestos claims.