In the midst of holiday gift shopping, it can be nerve-wracking trying to shop for someone who has everything. However, there are a number of practical gifts that can actually save lives, even if they lack the charm of an I-pad or Gucci handbag.
So even though they may hate the appeal of these gifts, they may appreciate them later.
Winter survival kit – However unlikely it may be that you will be stuck in inclement weather, a winter survival kit is certain to come in handy if it happens. It can be especially important if that routine trip to the store leads to accident where you land in a ditch (only to be stranded for an hour or so). A kit that has a flashlight, blanket (or other warm clothing), jumper cables and even numbers for roadside assistance can be invaluable…even if it looks tacky.
Car battery – While it is well-known that cold weather can affect a battery’s cranking power, few people know when a weakened battery will actually die. So while a car battery may appear to lack charm, it is another practical gift that can make winter a little easier. If you need inspiration for making it a great gift, festive wrapping paper and bows will make it special.
Ice/Snow scraper – While this may be the ultimate in tacky gifts, it is a very useful tool during those mornings where ice (and snow) make it nearly impossible to clear a windshield. Indeed, letting your defrosters warm the insides is helpful, but they are no match for exterior ice.
So while these may not be the fanciest gifts, they can certainly help loved ones avoid accidents (or be safe if they occur).
Source:, Car gifts for those you love (that they will absolutely hate), December 14, 2012