Although beautiful, St. Louis is known for rather chilly weather in mid-November. So why not spend most of the week in the warm coziness of a theater, watching original, creative works?
No, I’m not talking about grabbing your friends and taking in Thor 2 (although that would likely be a good time as well). Instead, we at the Finney Law Office, LLC would like to encourage you to attend the 2013 Whitaker St. Louis International Film Festival.
Going strong for twenty-two years now, the St. Louis International Film Festival is one of the largest international film festivals in the Midwest. Check out incredible new showings from Nov. 14-24 at the event’s main venues, including:
- Tivoli Theatre
- Plaza Frontenac Cinema
- Webster University’s Winifred Moore Auditorium
- Washington University’s Brown Hall Auditorium
- Wildey Theatre in Edwardsville, IL
- KDHX in Grand Center
Most of the 350+ films shown at the festival will only be available in St. Louis during this event.
Tickets for the event are now on sale at the Tivoli Theatre and Plaza Frontenac Cinemas. For shows at KDHX and Webster’s Moore Auditorium, tickets can be purchased through Brown Paper Tickets. Tickets for showings at the Wildey Theatre are on sale through its own website. All shows at Washington University’s Brown Hall are free during the weekends.
The Whitaker St. Louis International Film Festival is a great exhibition of art and talent that should not be missed. Instead of catching a chill this November, head inside for some one-of-a-kind entertainment across a variety of unique St. Louis venues.
From all of us at Finney Law Office, LLC, enjoy the show—and save us some popcorn!