A doctor is responsible for providing a mother and her baby with safe, thorough care during the infant’s delivery. However, if the delivery room physician makes a mistake, such as failing to account for a potentially serious health issue or wrongfully using an instrument during birth, he or she may cause permanent damage to the child. Unfortunately, some of these medical errors can lead to lifelong brain damage in the form of cerebral palsy.
If your family has suffered because of a doctor’s negligence, we may be able to help you fight for the financial compensation you need to care for your injured child. For more information about your legal options, contact a St. Louis accident lawyer of the Finney Law Office today at 314-646-0300.
Common Types of Cerebral Palsy
A doctor needs to be very careful when delivering a baby, as errors can have permanent consequences for that child’s brain development. If a physician’s negligence damages a newborn’s brain, it may lead to one of the following types of cerebral palsy:
Spastic cerebral palsy, which causes tightness in the muscles and prevents free movement
Athetoid cerebral palsy, with symptoms including speech and swallowing problems as well as involuntary movements
Ataxic cerebral palsy, which results in difficulties with balancing, depth perception, and muscle coordination
No matter the type, cerebral palsy can have a permanent impact on a child’s life.
Contact Us
If your baby suffered a birth injury because of a doctor’s negligence in the delivery room, you may be able to file for financial compensation for your family’s injury-related expenses. To learn more about holding doctors responsible for the birth injuries they cause, contact a St. Louis injury lawyer of the Finney Law Office by calling 314-646-0300 today.